Looking to sell online?

We create and customize ecommerce stores using the Shopify platform. You can sell as little or as many products as you like. With Shopify, you get all of the following and more:

  • A seamless checkout experience with many external payment options, including PayPal, Amazon payments and credit cards.
  • Strong security to protect all credit card and transaction information at the same level as used by banks (256-bit SSL certificate).
  • Level 1 PCI compliant credit card processing, so you don’t have to worry about the security of your customer’s information.
  • Email and mobile notifications when you get an order, allowing you to stay on top of your store and sales at all times, wherever you are.
  • Integrated shipping management with many options based on your needs (fixed-price, tiered pricing, weight-based and location-based).
  • Email notifications to your customers with tracking numbers when their items ship.
  • Custom coupon codes to track which sales channels are the most beneficial, helping you to focus your marketing in those areas.

We will help customers find your store with search engine optimization (SEO). You can also set up an email marketing campaign and let customers know about your newest items and promotions.  There are so many things that you can customize with your ecommerce store to make it work for you, and we will work with you every step of the way.


Featured Client



Technolotees ecommerce storeTechnolotees sells tshirts for math, science and technology enthusiasts. We helped them integrate their third party printing and fulfillment provider with Shopify. They needed a site that would help their potential customers easily find what they needed, so we made sure to include a clear call to action at key points throughout the store. We also created categories for them with clear iconography to help sort through their catalog.

We created a free shipping banner for the store that updates with each item added to the cart. This helps the customer know how close they are free shipping and helps increase average order value.


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