
Small Business Refresh

starting at
Have a site you like, but it needs a few tweaks?
  • Up to 10 pages updated*
  • Page load optimization
  • User Experience (UX) flow updates
  • Integrate Social Media accounts into site design
  • One hour of training on your website

Small Business Overhaul

starting at
Hate your website and need a new one?
  • All new website (up to 10 pages)*
  • Fully responsive and mobile optimized
  • Design consultation to determine your preferences and needs
  • Submission to search engines
  • Optimize pages for SEO ranking
  • Integrate Social Media
  • Two hours of training on your new website

Ecommerce Refresh

starting at
Does your Shopify store need some work?
  • Edit sales copy and product description
  • Define a clear call to action
  • Install and configure apps
  • Integrate social media accounts into store design
  • One hour of training on your Shopify store

Ecommerce Startup

starting at
Have a great product, but need a way to sell it?
  • Create Shopify store
  • Configure sales channels
  • Set up taxes and shipping options
  • Create and configure mailing list
  • Install Shopify apps
  • Two hours of training on your new Shopify store

*Packages can be customized to suit your individual needs.